
Visit our Online Library >


All students are automatically enrolled as members of the library on their first day at Caldew School, and have full access to the facilities we offer throughout their school lives.

The key aims of our library…

  • To provide a stimulating, secure and supportive learning and study environment.
  • To enable students to develop their information skills to become confident, independent and lifelong learners.
  • To provide a wide range of current children’s and young adult fiction, supporting literacy development and encouraging reading for pleasure.
  • To provide a current and responsive range of print and online information resources, supporting the curriculum of the School.
  • To provide space, resources and activities which respond to and develop Caldew School students as individuals.

Transition 2021

Welcome to the transition reading page, here you will find tips and strategies to engage and encourage your child when reading at home (both fiction and non-fiction texts) and other resources such as a list of summer reads for them to enjoy. 
Developing reading skills is something we promote passionately at Caldew, it is recognised that reading helps students gain knowledge, which then leads to better writing, deepening students' understanding of ideas. We ensure students are taught to read effectively, so that they can find information and process it within each subject to support their learning and progress. Understanding that the ability to read confidently is a vital tool to access the broad and exciting curriculum, at Caldew we encourage reading both in lessons and independently with reading for pleasure. We know many students will have established a love of reading at primary school and we aim to foster and develop this through their time at secondary school. We have a well-equipped and vibrant library run by our professional Librarian, Mrs Bell. Caldew Library offers a diverse service and provides a welcoming environment for students at breaks and lunchtimes.  Mrs Bell makes sure that the library is well stocked with current and popular age-appropriate fiction titles, as well as an up to date selection of non-fiction, news and magazines catering for the many interests and hobbies of our students. She is always on hand at break and lunch to help students choose books that will interest them. The popular library book club meets once a week for students to chat about what they are reading and swap recommendations; a weekly “chill out” reading club sees students grabbing a hot chocolate and escaping the hurley burley of school life to relax with a good book, and the annual Spellbinding club allows students to become the judges of a book award and get the opportunity to interact with real authors. Additionally, there are regular book-related competitions and activities throughout the school year, a bi-annual Scholastic book fair and a pupil librarian team, which provides the chance for students to get involved in the running of the library.

Our Tutor Programme also supports reading skills through the weekly form reading challenge and there is a wide range of fun competitions throughout the year as part of the Tutor Programme. 

Accessing books over the summer and beyond: 

Year 6 students can access our online ebook and audiobook database ePlatform here, using their new Caldew School email address (the format for this is the year, surname and initial e.g. as the username, and the word “books” as the password. It includes a free app that can be downloaded onto mobile phones and other devices for ease of reading.  Another excellent source of free ebooks is the Cumbria County Libraries Borrowbox system, available here.  You can register for free online and start reading straight away!  

For a list of reading recommendations for over the summer, with something to interest everyone, please click here. Most of these books are available free as ebooks or audiobooks from either our own ePlatform service, or from Cumbria County Libraries’ Borrowbox service.

Watch a Video prepared by Miss Hayton here

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Pupils including students in the sixth form, are proud to attend Caldew School. They feel well supported, happy and safe in this welcoming community. There are high level of trust and respect between pupils, students and staff.

Ofsted 2022

There is a strong culture of safeguarding in place, with clear systems to record any concerns. Leaders keep safeguarding relevant to all members of the school community through regular updates, training, alerts and reminders.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders have created a welcoming and supportive environment at this school. Pupils and students achieve well in their learning. They are well prepared for their next steps in education, employment and training.

Ofsted 2022

Staff have high expectations for pupils’ and students’ behaviour and learning. Pupils and students behave well in lessons and around the school site. They are polite to each other and look out for others in the school.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders have made significant progress in improving the school since the previous inspection. They have focused on creating a broad and ambitious curriculum which meets the needs of pupils and students, including those with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND).

Ofsted 2022