Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment

Safeguarding Update: Sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Following Ofsted’s review of sexual abuse in UK schools that was published on Thursday 10th June 2021, we wanted to share with you some updates on this matter. The report highlighted that young people feel that sexual harassment, unwanted sexual behaviours and online sexual abuse, is so commonplace that they no longer think about reporting it. The problem extends beyond schools with most abuse occurring online or in social situations away from education settings.

The link below will allow to read OFSTED’s report:

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is unwanted and unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature which can occur online and offline. The definitions used by the Department for Education (DfE) are as follows:

• Peer on peer sexual abuse: this includes sexual violence, sexual harassment, up-skirting and sexting.

• Sexual harassment: this includes sexual comments, sexual jokes or taunting, physical behaviours such as deliberately brushing against someone, displaying pictures, photos or drawings of a sexual nature

• Online sexual harassment: this includes sharing of sexual images, sexual comments and messages, sexual exploitation, coercion and threats

• Sexual violence

We want to assure you that we take all concerns which may be raised involving sexual harassment and sexual violence, seriously. Any allegation of peer-on-peer abuse, sexual harassment and sexual violence will be dealt with in line with DfE guidance and Keeping Children Safe in Education, 2021.

Staff at Caldew School are expected to challenge any form of derogatory or sexualised language or behaviour and have been trained to share any safeguarding concerns raised about a child by reporting this to the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead. This is to ensure the child receives appropriate support. We are also continuing to actively encourage all pupils to ‘‘call-out’’ and report any incidents of sexual harassment they may see or experience.

Children who are victims of sexual violence and sexual harassment (online or offline) will likely find the experience stressful and distressing. This kind of behaviour is never acceptable and it is important that all victims are taken seriously and offered appropriate support.

We will discuss any concerns about a child with the child’s parents/carers and will normally notify the parents of all the children involved, unless we believe that notifying the parents would increase the risk to the child.

We are aware that we also have a crucial role to play in teaching young people about sexual consent, sexual bullying, healthy relationships and respect for others and we will continue to do this through our Lessons for Life curriculum; form tutor time and year group assembly programme.

What to do if your son/daughter has been a victim of sexual harassment or sexual violence.

Please contact our safeguarding team at Caldew School so that we can support you and your child:

·         Designated Safeguarding Lead – Miss Helen Howson

·         Pastoral Manager – Safeguarding – Mrs. Sheila Taylor

·         Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mr. Paul Hammond

Staff have high expectations for pupils’ and students’ behaviour and learning. Pupils and students behave well in lessons and around the school site. They are polite to each other and look out for others in the school.

Ofsted 2022

An effective programme of personal development has been created for pupils in key stages 3 and 4. This prepares pupils well for their future, giving them opportunities to have important discussions about healthy relationships, social and moral issues.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders have created a welcoming and supportive environment at this school. Pupils and students achieve well in their learning. They are well prepared for their next steps in education, employment and training.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders have made significant progress in improving the school since the previous inspection. They have focused on creating a broad and ambitious curriculum which meets the needs of pupils and students, including those with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND).

Ofsted 2022

Pupils including students in the sixth form, are proud to attend Caldew School. They feel well supported, happy and safe in this welcoming community. There are high level of trust and respect between pupils, students and staff.

Ofsted 2022