Caldew School Sixth Form

Application Process

The initial deadline has passed for applications for September 2025 entry.

If you would like to make a late application for September please contact Mr Gaunt – Head of Sixth Form at


Entry requirements

1) The general entry requirement to Caldew School Sixth Form is for a student to achieve five 9-4 grades or equivalent at GCSE including English and Maths.


2) If you want to study any of the subjects listed below, you need to achieve at least a grade 5 in the subject at GCSE:

  • Applied Science (at least one grade 5 if you studied Combined Science e.g. 45)
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • English Literature
  • History (or an equivalent if not studied at GCSE)
  • Music
  • Physics

If you study a GCSE Combined Science course rather than triple, you need to have studied higher content and achieved at least a grade 5 in the subject you want to study at A level. 

If you want to study Computer Science, Chemistry or Physics, you also need to study a Maths course at AS or A-Level. You can choose Core Maths but it is recommended that you choose Maths.  Maths can be taken as a fourth option and be certificated at AS Level at the end of year 12.


4) To study a Maths course, you need to achieve the following Maths grades:


  • For Core Maths               A minimum of GCSE grade 4


  • For AS/A-Level Maths       A minimum of GCSE grade 6 (we will consider a high grade 5 from studying the higher course in exceptional circumstances)


  • For Further Maths             A minimum of GCSE grade 7


Steps Following Application

Once the application deadline has passed (Friday 14th February) your application will be acknowledged by the school.  Then in the coming weeks a member of the Sixth Form Leadership Team will contact you to arrange a meeting to discuss your choices. Following your meeting you will have a provisional place for September.  

Sixth Form taster days are on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th July.  These give you an opportunity to try out different subjects and get to understand what the Sixth Form here at Caldew is like.

Following results day on August 21st you will need to confirm that you want to accept your place in the Sixth Form. For external students we will also need a copy/photo of your results transcript to confirm your place and this should be sent to the school office.

You can confirm that you want to accept your place in person or by contacting the school office at

There is a strong culture of safeguarding in place, with clear systems to record any concerns. Leaders keep safeguarding relevant to all members of the school community through regular updates, training, alerts and reminders.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders have made significant progress in improving the school since the previous inspection. They have focused on creating a broad and ambitious curriculum which meets the needs of pupils and students, including those with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND).

Ofsted 2022

Pupils including students in the sixth form, are proud to attend Caldew School. They feel well supported, happy and safe in this welcoming community. There are high level of trust and respect between pupils, students and staff.

Ofsted 2022

An effective programme of personal development has been created for pupils in key stages 3 and 4. This prepares pupils well for their future, giving them opportunities to have important discussions about healthy relationships, social and moral issues.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders provide effective careers guidance to pupils from Year 7 through to Year 13. Clear guidance, including preparation for interviews and ‘Work Ready Days’, helps pupils and students to make considered choices for their next steps.

Ofsted 2022