Year 11 Revision



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


(12:30-1pm, unless stated otherwise)

Art (P3)

History Revision (G16)

Art (P3)

Sparx Homework & Revision (IT1)

Art (P3)

Psychology Drop In/Revision (D12)

Art (P3)

Sparx Homework & Revision (IT1)

Art (P3)

After School

(3:15-4:15, unless stated otherwise)


Chemistry Revision (B2)

Maths Revision (G7)


Art (P3) - 3:10pm-5pm

D&T NEA Support (P8) till 4pm

History Revision (G16)

Psychology Drop In/Revision (D12)

Physics Revision (B15) 

Art (P3) - 3:10pm-5pm

Biology - Combined (B1)

Biology - Triple (B14)

Geography Revision (G11)




An effective programme of personal development has been created for pupils in key stages 3 and 4. This prepares pupils well for their future, giving them opportunities to have important discussions about healthy relationships, social and moral issues.

Ofsted 2022

There is a strong culture of safeguarding in place, with clear systems to record any concerns. Leaders keep safeguarding relevant to all members of the school community through regular updates, training, alerts and reminders.

Ofsted 2022

Pupils including students in the sixth form, are proud to attend Caldew School. They feel well supported, happy and safe in this welcoming community. There are high level of trust and respect between pupils, students and staff.

Ofsted 2022

Staff have high expectations for pupils’ and students’ behaviour and learning. Pupils and students behave well in lessons and around the school site. They are polite to each other and look out for others in the school.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders have made significant progress in improving the school since the previous inspection. They have focused on creating a broad and ambitious curriculum which meets the needs of pupils and students, including those with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND).

Ofsted 2022