
Learning at home is a very important part of all students’ development at Caldew.

Through homework, students will develop skills, attitudes and extend their knowledge. They will be better prepared to make their transition onto the next stage of their education or employment. Students will develop as a result of learning at home if three key groups work in partnership and support. They are the students, their teachers and parents/carers. Without this partnership, students will not reach their potential.

We will endeavor to inform parents/carers when a student does not complete tasks, or their work is of a quality that is below their normal standard.

If you have any concerns about homework, please contact the subject teacher. If your concerns are wider than one subject area, please contact your child’s Form Tutor. Contact details for staff are on the Parents/Staff page.

As students mature they will gain differently from learning at home. For example, Year 7 students will develop routines and good learning habits, Year 9s should be starting to work independently.

The Year 7, 8, and 9 timetables are designed to nurture these skills using a variety of project tasks and shorter pieces of work.

Students in Years 10 and 11 should expect to do at least 7½ hours of homework most weeks. These tasks will vary. There will be learning activities. As students begin to focus on exams, they will be preparing for them by reinforcing their knowledge and skills, and practicing exam technique.

We are also lucky to have our own VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) in the form of Firefly. Students are encouraged to use this to help them with their studies and subjects will set homework using this platform throughout the year.

6th Form

By the time students join our 6th Form, they should be independent learners. They need to want to learn and know how to learn. They will be given specific tasks, but just as importantly, they need to be able to analyse their own strengths and areas for development, and work hard to improve. Our most successful students leave Caldew knowing what to learn, and how to learn it.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding in place, with clear systems to record any concerns. Leaders keep safeguarding relevant to all members of the school community through regular updates, training, alerts and reminders.

Ofsted 2022

Staff have high expectations for pupils’ and students’ behaviour and learning. Pupils and students behave well in lessons and around the school site. They are polite to each other and look out for others in the school.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders have created a welcoming and supportive environment at this school. Pupils and students achieve well in their learning. They are well prepared for their next steps in education, employment and training.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders have made significant progress in improving the school since the previous inspection. They have focused on creating a broad and ambitious curriculum which meets the needs of pupils and students, including those with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND).

Ofsted 2022

An effective programme of personal development has been created for pupils in key stages 3 and 4. This prepares pupils well for their future, giving them opportunities to have important discussions about healthy relationships, social and moral issues.

Ofsted 2022