Special Educational Needs

An Inclusive Approach

At Caldew, we believe firmly that to be truly inclusive, all SEND students should be fully integrated into school life and fully involved in mainstream lessons, activities, social times and extra curricular activities.

We have a resourced provision which helps to support students diagnosed with Autism. The resourced provision is designed to help enhance the experience our students have. It helps to ensure that whilst they are fully included in mainstream lessons and school life, they are able to receive specialist input around social skills and a variety of other packages, as well as having access to a quiet space on the occasions they need it.

At Caldew, all of our students are expected to attend mainstream lessons, with appropriate support packages around them to help ensure success in their day to day school life.

All Looked after students with identified SEND needs will receive appropriate support that has been coordinated and agreed with the Virtual School, Designated teacher and relevant agencies involved. Regular reviews will be attended by the SENCo or DT as appropriate.


The department delivers a variety of approaches to support students’ needs, creating bespoke resources alongside tried and tested resources that work well. This may include: technology (iPads and laptops), games, repetition activities and a variety of tasks designed to engage students of all abilities, needs and ages.

Intervention can take a variety of forms- 1:1, small group or small class. This can take place over a variety of time scales.

Literacy remains a focus across the whole curriculum in school and a high focus and value is placed on it in all students’ reading, writing, speaking and listening.


The department delivers a variety of approaches to support progress in numeracy and mathematics. A variety of online resources, alongside games, and hands on experiences and activities, are used to embed skills and understanding. Pre-teaching topics gives students a firm foundation from which to build when in mainstream lessons.

We understand the importance of language and key words within numeracy and maths. As such, intervention and pre-teaching sessions ensure a focus on key words and context for students.

Intervention can take a variety of forms- 1:1, small group or small class. This can take place over a variety of time scales.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties

The SEND, pastoral teams and- where appropriate- safeguarding team work very closely together to ensure appropriate support is in place for students at school.

Appropriate packages of intervention are delivered to help support self-esteem, confidence, resilience and a variety of other needs. We aim to help the students to develop an understanding of themselves and their needs, and begin to develop the skills needs to self regulate and manage their emotions and behaviours.

Where students’ social and emotional needs are unable to be met in school, we endeavour to work with parents closely to seek support from other appropriate services. This may include the GP, CAMHS and Banardo’s.

At Caldew, we work to support students so that they develop the skills they need to understand mental health and well-being and therefore develop the skills they will need to live emotionally healthy lifestyles. 

Sensory and Physical Needs

The department has dedicated facilities for students to use. This is designed to support a variety of needs.

Where appropriate, the school will carry out risk assessments and plan appropriately to meet the needs of students with medical or physical disabilities. A medical plan will be completed which home, school, external agencies (as appropriate) and the student will be able to contribute to. Staff training will be implemented as required. 

The school will work closely with the NHS and any other external services the student may access to ensure the quality of educational provision is of the highest standard possible. Regular contact with home and full involvement of parents / carers, and the student is assumed.

Exam Concessions

Students on the SEND register will be automatically assessed for exam concessions. This is to ensure they are not disadvantaged in their exams as a result of their additional needs. A series of tests will be conducted and submitted to the JCQ. Students who meet their threshold will qualify for support. This may take the form of additional time, a reader or scribe, use of a word processor, prompting and rest breaks. All concessions must be need tested and appropriate evidence provided. This may take the form of school based evidence, NHS medical reports or specialist reports from professionals such as an Educational Psychologist.

Primary Transition

At Caldew, we strive to develop relationships with primary schools and support students in their transition to secondary school.

When supporting students with additional needs to transition, we will endeavour to attend meetings and contribute to planning smooth transitions for students.

Tailored transitions may include:

  • A walk around the building (more than once if needed).
  • A 1:1 session with a member of the SEND team.
  • Small group sessions with peers. 
  • Cooking, art & craft or sports activities

Supporting staff may join the student initially to help build trusting relationships and to reduce students’ anxiety when first visiting.

Mainstream Classrooms

All teachers have access to the school SEND register and as such, are fully aware of the students in their classes who have additional needs. 

Teachers are expected to differentiate their lessons to meet the individual needs of students through tailored planning of activities and resources and tailored questioning and language. They will implement strategies advised by the SEND department.

Teachers have access to students’ Pupil Profiles. These include clear strategies and key information about the student, as well as the student’s own ideas, sharing their strengths, areas they would like to improve and what they feel will help them learn and be successful. It is expected that teachers use this information  to identify and implement differentiation in lessons.

All SEND students are expected to access a full curriculum and the school strives to ensure that it is completely accessible.

For students with EHCPs, some of the resource allocation will be used to provide teaching assistant support in the lesson.

External Advice and Support

In the event that the school and parent / carer feels that the student is making less than expected progress following intervention, it may be appropriate to make a referral for external assessment and advice / support.

In order to do this, the school will complete a referral document with the parent and send it to the relevant professional.

Please see the Local Authority website for the Local Offer as to what is available.

Visit Cumbria’s Local Offer



Who do I speak to if I’m worried about my child’s progress?

If you are worried about multiple subjects, speak to the child’s Head of Year, or SENCo. If it is one subject, initially contact the subject teacher to discuss your concerns.

My child finds it hard to read- how do I get help?

Speak to the SENCo. We can spend some time assessing your child’s progress and from there make a decision with you as to how best to support your child.

What is a Pupil Profile?

At Caldew, every SEND student has a personalised Pupil Profile. This will include information about the child’s needs, strategies to use in a classroom and- most importantly- the child’s voice.

What is an EHCP?

An EHCP is an Education Heath and Care plan. For students whose needs are significant and cannot be met using standard differentiation and interventions, it may be appropriate to apply for additional funding in order to access further resources such as teaching assistants, specialist materials and resources.

What if I need advice or want to speak to someone?

If you would like further information on our provision for students with Special Educational Needs, please contact our SENCO, Mrs Fiona Cruickshank-Hunter, or our SEN Administrator at sen@caldew.cumbria.sch.uk or 01228 710044.


There is a strong culture of safeguarding in place, with clear systems to record any concerns. Leaders keep safeguarding relevant to all members of the school community through regular updates, training, alerts and reminders.

Ofsted 2022

Staff have high expectations for pupils’ and students’ behaviour and learning. Pupils and students behave well in lessons and around the school site. They are polite to each other and look out for others in the school.

Ofsted 2022

An effective programme of personal development has been created for pupils in key stages 3 and 4. This prepares pupils well for their future, giving them opportunities to have important discussions about healthy relationships, social and moral issues.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders have created a welcoming and supportive environment at this school. Pupils and students achieve well in their learning. They are well prepared for their next steps in education, employment and training.

Ofsted 2022

Leaders provide effective careers guidance to pupils from Year 7 through to Year 13. Clear guidance, including preparation for interviews and ‘Work Ready Days’, helps pupils and students to make considered choices for their next steps.

Ofsted 2022